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Object Oriented Programing - The Basics


MD Fahid Sarker

Senior Software EngineerJune 9, 2024


Welcome to the world of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)! If you're just starting out, the concept of OOP might seem a bit daunting. But don't worry鈥攊t's not as complicated as it sounds. In fact, you already use object-oriented thinking in your everyday life. In this blog, we'll break down OOP into simple parts using analogies and examples, and by the end, you'll have a clear understanding of what it is.

What is Object-Oriented Programming?

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a way to design and organize your code. Instead of focusing just on the functions or procedures, OOP organizes your code into "objects." These objects can hold both data and functions that operate on the data.

It's a bit like organizing your room:

  • You keep items (like clothes, books, and gadgets) in specific places.
  • These items have certain properties (like a book's title, an iPhone's model, or a shirt's color).
  • You also have ways to use these items (like reading a book, calling someone on your iPhone, or wearing a shirt).

Key Concepts in OOP

Let's break down the key concepts using an analogy:

1. Class: The Blueprint

Think of a class as a blueprint. Before a house (object) can be built, you need a blueprint that describes what the house will look like and what it will contain. Similarly, a class defines the structure for objects but isn't an object itself.

class Dog: pass

2. Object: The Real Thing

An object is like your actual house built from the blueprint. You can have many houses built from the same blueprint, each with its own unique features.

my_dog = Dog()

3. Attributes: The Properties

Attributes are the features of an object, like the color of your house or the number of rooms. In our dog example, attributes might be the dog's name, breed, and age.

class Dog: def __init__(self, name, breed, age): = name self.breed = breed self.age = age

4. Methods: The Actions

Methods are the actions you can perform, like opening a door or turning on a light in your house. In our dog example, methods might include barking, eating, or running.

class Dog: def __init__(self, name, breed, age): = name self.breed = breed self.age = age def bark(self): return f"{} says woof!"

Example of a Simple Class

Let's put this all together in a simple example.

class Dog: def __init__(self, name, breed, age): = name self.breed = breed self.age = age def bark(self): return f"{} says woof!" # Creating an object from the Dog class my_dog = Dog("Buddy", "Golden Retriever", 3) # Accessing attributes print( # Output: Buddy # Calling methods print(my_dog.bark()) # Output: Buddy says woof!

In this example:

  • We created a Dog class with attributes (name, breed, age) and a method (bark).
  • We instantiated (created) a Dog object called my_dog with specific values.
  • We accessed the attributes and called the method to see it in action.

Why Use OOP?

  • Modularity: Easy to manage and maintain code by breaking it into small, manageable objects.
  • Reusability: Use existing code for new applications by creating new objects from the classes.
  • Flexibility: Easier to change parts of the code independently of others.
  • Scalability: More straightforward to create large, complex programs.


Think of OOP as organizing your room (your code) in a way that makes sense, making it easier to find and use things (objects and methods). With OOP, you can organize your code in a more structured, reusable, and scalable way. So go ahead, start creating your own objects, and enjoy the simplicity and power of Object-Oriented Programming!

Happy coding! 馃殌

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