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Computers are dumb. Trust me.


MD Fahid Sarker

Senior Software Engineer · July 16, 2024


Hello lovely coders! 🖥️ Have you ever marveled at your computer’s speed and efficiency? Perhaps, you’ve even whispered sweet nothings to it, praising its brilliance. But let’s burst that bubble a bit – computers, despite their amazing computational power, are actually quite dumb.


Why Computers Are Dumb

Computers are essentially high-speed morons. They follow instructions exactly and literally. They don't "think"; they just execute pre-defined instructions. Give a computer an ambiguous command, and it’s as lost as a cat in a dog park. 🐱➡️🐶

Here are a few reasons why computers are not as smart as they appear:

1. No Initiative or Common Sense

Computers don’t have common sense. They don’t “fill in the blanks” or “read between the lines.” If something goes wrong or if they encounter a situation they weren’t explicitly programmed to handle, they either crash or throw an error.


# Simple calculator function def calculator(operation, a, b): if operation == "add": return a + b elif operation == "subtract": return a - b else: # Throws error if operation is unexpected return "Error: Invalid Operation" print(calculator("add", 2, 3)) # Outputs: 5 print(calculator("multiply", 2, 3)) # Outputs: Error: Invalid Operation

Computers follow the “garbage in, garbage out” principle. If you provide flawed input, you get flawed output.


2. Depend on Explicit Instructions

Computers require detailed, step-by-step instructions. You can't just say, "Hey computer, fix these bugs," and expect it to understand. You need to specify how exactly to fix each bug.

Imagine telling a computer to make a peanut butter sandwich: 🥪

# Procedure for making a peanut butter sandwich def make_sandwich(): bread = get_bread() spread_peanut_butter(bread) # Oops, forgot to get the knife! Your computer freaks out. return bread def get_bread(): return "bread" def spread_peanut_butter(bread): knife = "knife" return f"{bread} with peanut butter spread with {knife}" print(make_sandwich()) # May lead to unexpected results or errors if instructions are incomplete!

3. No Learning Without Explicit Algorithms

Computers can’t learn or adapt on their own. They follow static rules unless specified otherwise, like in the case of machine learning algorithms where they adjust based on data given to them.

# Dummy example of training a machine learning model from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression # Dummy data X = [[1], [2], [3]] y = [1, 2, 3] model = LinearRegression().fit(X, y) print(model.predict([[4]])) # Predicts: [4.]

Even AI requires meticulously designed algorithms to exhibit any form of intelligence or learning. It's like teaching a toddler to drive – not easy, but achievable with tons of training. 🚗👶🏼

Issues Arising from Computers' "Stupidity"

The lack of inherent intelligence in computers can lead to various technical issues:

  1. Bugs and Glitches: As computers are overly literal, any unexpected input or scenario not considered by the developer can cause errors.
  2. Security Flaws: Misinterpretation of commands can be exploited, leading to vulnerabilities.
  3. Maintenance Overhead: Detailed instructions mean more extensive codebases, requiring rigorous maintenance and updates.


In summary, computers are incredibly powerful yet fundamentally dumb machines. They don't possess common sense, depend on explicit instructions, and don't learn autonomously without algorithms. While they perform tasks with impressive speed and precision, they rely entirely on us developing clear, unambiguous programs. So next time your code doesn't work, remember your computer is just a fast, extremely literal assistant - and sometimes we need to play the patient's role of explaining things like they're five years old. 😉

Happy coding!

Need help debugging that peanut butter sandwich recipe?


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